With the Winter Solstice approaching tomorrow I take time to stop and pause...
SAVORING 2024...there have been many endings and beginnings this year...lights and shadows...loves and losses...
Can we sit with it all and allow...embrace...reflect...surrender...and let the Universe work out the details... I know I must.
This year I have truly embraced the Harmony...for many, many years I have had musicians and sound healers accompany me as I have led you all in mindful movements. In March I participated is a Sound Healers Training and I am loving it so very much. I am continuing to train in an online course and I have to share what I learned this week.
The word Universe can be translated as Uni Verse...ONE SONG....isn't that the best and so true of the teachings this year as Christmas and Chanukah occur at the same time!
Can we all be mindful that we do sing the same song...one of peace...I means that is what everyone wants right? The peace within, the peace all around us...peace to the planet...
SO, as I sit and pause and savor 2024, I wish you all deep peace Shanti Shanti Shanti...
May the Universe deliver whatever it is that is your intention.
BIG NAMASTE TO YOU ALL and hope to see you on the mat somewhere soon.