Wowsa, it has been an amazing 2 weeks on vacation...So many things to tell you guys...
To begin with, my newest teacher, my grandson, continues to 'show me the way'....in my best Peter Frampton imitation!
You see his parents went away for 5 days abroad and he is only 2.5 years old...SO, we did a lot of playing and having fun and his spirit truly is so sweet, funny and playful...and THEN his mind would remember and he would say "I miss my mommy. I miss my daddy" over and over again with tears and much sadness...
So we recognized his feelings right, you gotta feel the feels, and then we would shift his attention back to the joy...AND, isn't that what we need to do all the time? The lesson is to name it, claim it and then reframe it...hey I think I just made that up! LOL
AND it worked...over and over again so of course we can do the same thing. Don't let yourself get stuck in the pain...feel it, BE with it...then shift to a pattern interrupt like 16 Seconds of Clarity to come back to the present moment.
Let's do that now.
Find a comfortable seat or lie down and begin to Land, Ground and Notice your Breath.
Take an Inhale for 4 counts as you watch the breathe in the body travel.
Suspend the breath for 4 seconds and your belly fills out.
Exhale for 4 counts and again watch your breath traveling inside...(so you shift your attention right?)
Suspend the breath and hold the belly in for 4 counts.
Now it has been 16 seconds of your mind being calm...and if you keep doing this for a few mins...Wowsa....you come back to the joy!
The other thing I want to share is my train ride home from Boston...There truly are no accidents! I sat in a 4 seat as I wanted to face forward. The people in front of me were speaking Mandarin so you know I had to talk with them...She was a nurse who teaches about acupressure points for Breast Feeding Moms.. AND she was going to teach at Quinnipiac for a workshop...CRAZY right...we talked Chinese Medicine for about an hour ...then the rider across the aisle said he was a Zen Leader in Turkey and the three of us talked about Quantum Entanglement and how the Universe Always Has Our Backs! We spoke of Chi and Meridians...and I left the train feeling so connected to the world and it's possibilities...maybe a yoga retreat in Istanbul!?
(check out the quantum healing workshop coming up in September)