With Thanksgiving arriving in 2 days I wanted to take a moment and pause...to say thank YOU to all of you sweet yogis and yoginis who have shared a breath with me over these past 21 years...Yes i give it out while I am teaching and it is SO true that the gifts of you guys is what keeps me going!
What are you grateful for?
A great question to ask at your holiday table...So what am i grateful for?
Of Course my family, my little grandson, all the precious love in my life, my health and vitality, AND Maria and The Body Reflex for a space to teach classes, our SOLD OUT retreats (speaking of which we may be going to San Diego in October for an awesome collaboration with an intuitive counselor) my opportunities to assist at Kripalu & Omega, studying Sound Healing, singing and dancing AND my sweet opportunity to assist you in finding harmony from the inside out and the outside in...just to name a few.
WISHING YOU ALL The Path of Love...SAVOR the moments
