I am writing in Green...the color of the Heart Chakra as well as the Wood Element in Chinese Medicine!
Spring is a time of rebirth, when those daffodils have the energy to push thru the soil and make their debut...and we all have that same energy inside of us.
As we know, we are not just in Nature, Nature is in us too!
I have said many times, we live in houses with windows for a reason....we NEED the sunlight, the water, the energy for our survival. We breathe it all in and we breathe it all out, everyday, in every moment...We co exist together, we find rebirth together. We Rise Up together!!!
So my word this week at Harmony Yoga has been acceptance....acceptance of this wacky weather, one day sunny, one day cold and rainy and we just keep swimming.
Take a moment and pause.
Place your left hand on your heart, right hand on your belly and feel the body breathing you...
Can you visualize something, someone, someplace you need to find acceptance about?
Can you create space around that in your heart?
Can you breathe in the green light of spring from your feet to crown and feel yourself rise up?
Can you open up to possibilities not expectations?
Set your intention with that I am affirmation...I Am....what shows up?
Just breathe in ACCEPTANCE of all that is.
Happy Spring!
(Read this beautiful poem if you wish and know there are lotsa opportunities at Harmony in the next few weeks to find some REBIRTH so check out the website offerings!)
I Breathe This Moment
by Danna Faulds
I breathe in acceptance
and breathe out fear,
making space for all
of me to be here
without judgment.
I breathe in love for
the hidden, dark,
and quaking places.
I breathe ease into
tightness and light
into the shadowy,
walled-off rooms of
the psyche where
doors were tightly
closed for so long,
and windows shuttered.
I breathe in divine
presence and let go
of any obstacles I can.
I breathe this moment
deep into the center
of my being and breathe
out everything that
isn’t now. I breathe in
power, strength, courage,
and the willingness
to say yes to life,
not as I wish it to be,
but as it is, resplendent
in its silent generosity.
